Lavender Hex Code: Evoking Emotion in Logos

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The human eye is able to see quite a few colors. One of those is lavender. It is closest to the color purple, but like pink, it is often given its own category. There are many different shades of lavender but each is a wonderful color. Many items are purposely colored lavender due to its lovely hue. Most of them are fabric objects such as towels, pillows, clothes, and more, but there are also lots of other items that are this color. Some color shades that work well with lavender are green, brown, orange, and blue.

You might be considering using lavender in your logo design. It is important to pay attention and obtain the lavender color code for whatever shade you would like to use. There are many different lavender hex codes depending on the shade. discusses the hex code for lavender in its original form, along with other codes including the lavender rgb. The lavender hex code is #C7A0CB and the rgb lavender color code is (199, 160, 203). It is important to know the lavender hex code so that you can always color match when you work across different platforms. This allows you to always have the exact same shade of lavender color. This consistency can help to add professionalism to your projects. A good way to keep track of whatever lavender color hex you decide on is to write it down in a safe place. You can even type down the lavender hex in your phone so that you know what it is for future use. discusses lavender on a deeper level. While lavender is often associated with purple, it is actually its own family of color, though it is similar to purple. Lavender color is often associated with spring and therefore is considered youthful. It is often used in the celebration of Easter. Because of its bond to purple, it was often used by royals in the past patriarchies due to it being reserved as a royal color. But because it is also used during springtime in the ideas of birth and life, it is also considered a feminine color.
The website states that “ the color is mentally associated with healing, relaxation, cleanliness, and purity. The lavender color encourages calmness and tranquility of mind and is useful for both self-reflection and invoking a relaxed, meditative state.” This could have something to do with the medical properties of the lavender flower that shares the same name and color.
Now that you have decided on lavender, you can take some time to find a secondary color for your logo. The best way to see what color match works is to put the colors beside each other. The color that will match best with your lavender will depend on what shades you choose. Take some time to decide and if you need help, you can ask a close friend or family member for their opinion.
As soon as you have your colors, you can start sketching some logo ideas that you have. Putting your ideas down on paper before you begin designing them is the best way to get unique and individualized logos and other designs. Once you have a few different ideas sketched down you can start designing with our logo maker. If you are having trouble choosing one, try getting a second or third opinion.
You have your colors and you have your sketches, now you can start designing. Many programs require a lot of time to learn the program and a lot of money to purchase or use the program. Thankfully, there is a better option. GraphicSprings provides an easy-to-use logo maker that is fast, efficient, and affordable. In just three steps you can have the logo of your dreams. GraphicSprings is a wonderful icon maker and logo maker that you should try out.
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Lukas is part of the content writing team at GraphicSprings, bringing his marketing expertise to the forefront. With a degree in Marketing, he crafts informative articles on social media, branding, and logo design.